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More than a postcard...

More than a postcard...

...for you! Hey! =) This is Tobi from metaFox.

So cool you made it here. I've sent you this postcard (it's actually a coaching tool) because I believe that it can help you empower your clients.

Read on to find out how...

...or see card sets to use your discount!
  • Pictures in coaching

    The 'deep pictures' combine 52 postcards into one coaching tool. Powerful images help clients to reflect more intuitively.

  • Choose your theme

    Pick the right card set from more than 20 themes such as Emotions, Life Design or Chanage Management. Find your perfect match!

  • Spread the cards

    There's a thousand ways to use the deep pictures with groups or in 1on1 coaching. Explore a challenge deeply, uncover resources or envision a goal!

What coaches & trainers say about the deep pictures

Photo of Eva

I use the deep pictures of metaFox to gather associations of my participants on a workshop topic. Using the images, I experience time and time again that participants share their thoughts much more concretely. Especially academics tend to hide their feelings behind fancy phrases; through working with images, they are able to share what they actually think and feel.

Eva Gottschewski

Freelance trainer & organizational developer

I got myself a set of deep pictures for the 30th edition of BEST’s Trainer Camp where we trained a new generation of soft-skill trainers. Over 12 days, we were able to use the cards in all sorts of situations, be it in training sessions for reflecting upon experiences, for retrospectives at the end of each day or for stimulating thoughts during individual coaching. The highlight for our participants was that at the end of the event everyone could take home a card with the personal greetings of their fellow participants.

Kai Pöllot

Soft Skills Trainer

In systemic counseling, a lot of emphasis is placed on acting and doing – the client does not lie “on the couch” and has to put his innermost feelings into words, but rather an attempt is made to use vivid methods to understand the client’s problems and subconscious inner images in a different and new way, perhaps from a different perspective. The expressive picture cards of metaFox offer many application possibilities for this.

Evelyn Koch

Freelance systemic coach

    Choose one or several card sets that fit for you.
    Add them to your shopping cart.
    In the Check Out Step, enter the coupon code from your postcard.

    More about the deep pictures

    The story behind the tool

    At metaFox we are facilitators, trainers and coaches. We worked with engineers - and loved how pictures enabled them to talk about "soft stuff" like emotions, needs or their view on the group dynamic. This is how the deep pictures came to life - and can change your work as well!

    Three steps to use the deep pictures


    Prompt question

    "Which card represents your current challenge?"


    Coachee chooses

    Help your client reflect using a set of cards to choose from.


    Discuss insights

    Client presents their image, thoughts & feelings.

    Areas of use


    For one-on-one coaching

    In coaching processes, it is important to use a variety of triggers in order to tap into your coachee’s inner insightfulness and creativity. Thedeep picturescan facilitate this process.

    • Find personal strengths, honest support and define clear processes.
    • Diminish inner resistance by using meaningful images.
    • Develop multiple solution strategies that are effective.
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    workshop session of metaFox

    For workshops and training

    Groups and teams often experience very complex processes. Thedeep picturesare a carefully designed trigger to make the invisible visible, the implicit explicit, change dynamics and improve interaction among team members. Use thedeep picturesduring soft skill training, in team meetings or professional coaching as:

    • An ice-breaker for an event and conversation starter.
    • An opening for conflict solving discussions.
    • A parting token at the end of a seminar or training.
    • A prompt for clarifying emotions and needs in critical situations.
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