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metaFox tools for strengths

Access a wide range of resources - whether for strengths coaching, strengths-oriented team feedback, or resource-oriented therapy.



The metaFox Strengths e-book

Your companion book to the metaFox Strengths Compass summarizes the core concepts of strengths psychology in a compact format. It shows how you can use strengths as a powerful access to your clients' resources. Whether you already own the Strengths Compass or are just interested, you can download the e-book here for free:


Discovering and naming strengths

Strengths tools for your coaching practice. These tools support reflection and interaction in personal conversations.

'Stronger You' card set

Strengths cards for you, your clients, or your team: The ‘Stronger You’ coaching cards help you discover and appreciate strengths. These strengths cards are perfect for reflecting on or building your strengths or showing how you appreciate your teammates’ strong suits.
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Strengths Compass

The “Compass” provides a compact and pragmatic overview of 22 strengths, categorized into Individual, Relationship, and Practical Strengths. This categorization provides an easier overview - depending on its context, strength could also be sorted into several categories.

Strengths Feedback Survey

We are developing a survey tool to make this process easy for you and your clients. If you are curious to test it, sign up for updates here.

Simply ask for strengths feedback

Simply ask for strengths feedback

Discovering your strengths can be a very empowering experience for your clients. In addition to their self-reflection, it can be helpful if clients ask colleagues and friends for feedback: "What strengths do you see in me?"

This feedback helps them discover and appreciate their resources and provides valuable insight into how others see them.

The process can look like this, for example: