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Theorie: Hintergrund zur angewandten Psychologie

Tauche ein in eine Fundgrube von anregenden Artikeln, Expertenanalysen und aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen, die deinen Horizont als Psychologiebegeisterter oder -profi erweitern werden. Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Psychologe oder ein neugieriger Mensch bist, der die Geheimnisse des menschlichen Verhaltens entschlüsseln will - wir haben alles für dich.

Theory: Background on applied psychology

  • Unveiling the Role of Trauma in Shaping Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence

    Unveiling the Role of Trauma in Shaping Mental Health and Emotional Intelligence

    Trauma can have a profound impact on mental health and emotional intelligence, making it crucial for coaches to understand its effects when working with clients who have experienced trauma. Coaching tools and techniques, such as MetaFox's Coaching Postcards: World of Emotions, can help individuals develop emotional intelligence and cope with trauma by facilitating emotional exploration and healing.
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  • Exploring Therapy: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Growth and Transformation

    Exploring Therapy: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Growth and Transformation

    In this blog post, we explore the different therapy approaches that can be used to facilitate change and personal growth in individuals. We discuss the benefits of emotion-focused therapy and how it emphasizes the importance of understanding and processing emotions. Additionally, we highlight the transformative potential of phototherapy and how it can be used as a powerful tool for self-expression and healing. We also introduce metaFox's "How Do You Feel" coaching cards, which are designed to facilitate emotional exploration, communication, and self-reflection in coaching practices.
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  • Achieving Career Fulfillment: Techniques and Tools for Coaches and Psychologists

    Achieving Career Fulfillment: Techniques and Tools for Coaches and Psychologists

    Unlock the power of career coaching by aligning your clients' professional goals with their personal values and strengths. Utilize techniques such as logotherapy and self-reflection exercises to guide individuals in their career development journey. Enhance your coaching sessions with Purpose Coaching Cards, a valuable tool for facilitating meaningful conversations and insights with your clients.
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  • Unlock the Power of Strengths: Embrace Resource Orientation for Successful Coaching

    Unlock the Power of Strengths: Embrace Resource Orientation for Successful Coaching

    Research has shown that shifting to a strengths-based approach can greatly enhance well-being and resilience. As a coach, you can incorporate this approach into your practice by using tools like MetaFox's Strengths Coaching Cards to help your clients identify and develop their strengths, set meaningful goals, and promote understanding in conflict resolution. Embrace the power of strengths and empower your clients to unlock their full potential.
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  • Stepping Into Their Shoes: The Power of Empathy in Client Relationships

    Stepping Into Their Shoes: The Power of Empathy in Client Relationships

    In the blog post "The Power of Empathy: Enhancing Emotional Connection with Clients," you'll learn how empathy can transform your client relationships. Empathy goes beyond sympathy and compassion, allowing you to truly understand and share your clients' emotions. By practicing empathy and using tools like picture cards, you can create a safe and supportive environment for clients to explore their emotions, leading to better outcomes and personal growth.
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