Methoden: Wie du die metaFox Coaching Tools nutzt
This article explores how picture cards can foster group cohesion, spark meaningful conversations, and address common group dynamics issues.Jetzt lesen
Using Strengths Cards and the Johari Window for Team Self-Awareness and Growth
Jetzt lesenTable of content The Four Quadrants of the Johari Window The Four Quadrants of the Johari Window Step-by-Step Team Exercise: Johari Window and Strength Cards Distribute the Johari Window Template Set Up the Strength Cards Self-Reflection: Identify Personal Strengths Peer...
Potenziale freisetzen: Bildkarten als Werkzeuge für die Entwicklung von Führungskräften
Wenn Sie kürzlich unser deep pictures "Leadership Inside-Out"-Kartenset gekauft hast oder überlegst, es zu kaufen, hast du Glück. Heute stellen wir dir vier Möglichkeiten vor, wie du dieses Bildkartenset für Führungscoaching, Mentoring und Führungsprogramme in Entwicklungszentren einsetzen kannst.Jetzt lesen
Praxis: Einblicke in die Coaching-Praxis
The Importance of Major Coaching Objectives
Jetzt lesenTable of content What Are Coaching Objectives? The Big Picture: Why Do These Major Coaching Objectives Matter? Primary Coaching Objectives and Their Importance 1. Clarity and Self-Awareness 2. Goal Setting 3. Building Confidence and Empowerment 4. Overcoming Obstacles and Limiting...
Setting Boundaries to Protect Mental Health During the Holidays
"Setting boundaries during the holidays is essential for protecting mental health. This guide helps new coaches support clients in navigating holiday stress."Jetzt lesen -
Navigating Family Dynamics During Festive Gatherings
Jetzt lesenTable of content Why Family Gatherings Feel So Charged How To Help Your Clients Approach These Challenges Step 1: Prepare for the Emotional Landscape Step 2: Teach Them How to Set Boundaries Step 3: Focus on Emotional Regulation Step 4:...
Theorie: Hintergrund zur angewandten Psychologie
Die Rolle von Führungsstilen in der Organisationsentwicklung
Leadership is the backbone of organizational success. It is a guiding force that aligns people, processes, and strategies toward shared goals.Jetzt lesen -
Exploring Domains of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Emotional intelligence (EI), popularized by Daniel Goleman, is the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and influence emotions within oneself and others. It plays a pivotal role in mental health, relationships, and professional success. Goleman identifies five key EI domains—Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills—that shape emotional and social lives. These domains empower mental health professionals to help clients manage emotions, improve relationships, and achieve personal goals.Jetzt lesen -
9 Holiday Self-Care Tips To Protect Your Mental Health
Discover 9 holiday self-care tips to protect your mental health and stay stress-free during the festive season. Prioritize yourself and enjoy the holidaysJetzt lesen