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Anchoring New Habits and Helping Clients Change Their Behavior

As a coach, you can support individuals' personal growth and behavior change journeys. You witness the struggles and triumphs of your clients as they seek to adopt new habits and transform their lives for the better.

Anchoring new habits is a fundamental technique that allows you to facilitate lasting behavioral change, empowering your clients to achieve their goals and unlock their full potential.

Imagine working with a client trying to quit smoking for years without success. By implementing anchoring techniques, you can help them break free from the cycle of addiction and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Or, picture a client who wants to improve their time management skills but struggles to stick to a consistent routine.

Anchoring can provide the tools to create sustainable habits that boost productivity and well-being.

This article will explore the power of anchoring new habits and delve into practical techniques you can apply in your coaching sessions. Let's embark on this transformation journey and equip yourselves with the knowledge to help your clients change their behavior effectively.

Building Awareness and Identifying Behavioral Patterns

Before we can anchor new habits, building awareness and understanding the current behavioral patterns your clients wish to change is crucial. This step sets the foundation for successful behavior change. Here's how you can guide your clients through this process:

Emphasize Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the key to unlocking behavioral patterns and initiating change. Encourage your clients to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.


For example, a client who finds it challenging to limit social media use may deeply desire social connection drives their motivation to engage in outdoor group activities. You may ask questions such as:


“ What strengths and weaknesses influence your ability to limit social media use and engage in outdoor group activities for social connection?”


"Can you pinpoint specific triggers that drive your unwanted social media use?" How might understanding these triggers support adopting healthier habits and positive change?"

By understanding themselves better, they can identify the habits they want to adopt and recognize triggers that drive unwanted behaviors.

Uncover Behavior Patterns

Many of our actions are automatic responses driven by behavioral loops. Assist your clients in recognizing the behavior loops that drive their actions. Identify the triggers that initiate undesired habits, their response routines, and the rewards they seek.


For instance, a client aiming to limit social media use may realize that feeling bored (trigger) leads them to scroll through social media (routine) mindlessly and that spending time outdoors is the reward they seek. Here are some sample questions:

What triggers or situations do you notice that lead you to engage in undesired habits, such as excessive social media use?”

"Can you identify the specific routines or actions you follow once the triggers are activated?"

"Reflect on the rewards or outcomes you seek when engaging in these behaviors; how might understanding these rewards help you develop healthier alternatives?"

Through this awareness, you can intervene and establish new, beneficial patterns.

Step-by-Step Guide to Help your Client Anchor New Habits

With a solid understanding of current patterns, it's time to explore the concrete steps for anchoring new habits and behaviors in coaching sessions. To make this process tangible for you and your clients, here's a comprehensive guide:

Phase 1: Setting the Foundation

You will lay the groundwork for successful behavior change in this initial phase. Help your clients clarify their target behavior, connect emotionally to their desired outcome, and explore the key qualities that align with their vision.

Define the Target Behavior

Begin the coaching session by asking your client to articulate the behavior they want to change clearly. Encourage them to be specific about what they want to do differently and how they envision feeling once they achieve this change.

Example: If your client's desired behavior is to spend more time outdoors and limit using online communication or social media throughout the day, ask them to elaborate on how they will feel once they adopt this habit, such as calmness, joy, and better concentration.

Sample questions:

  1. What specific activities do you envision engaging in when you spend more time outdoors, and how do you think these activities will contribute to your sense of calmness and joy?
  2. How do you anticipate limiting your use of communication and social media during the day will positively impact your ability to concentrate on tasks and connect with nature?
  3. Can you describe in a few words how you expect to feel when you successfully integrate spending more time outdoors and reducing social media usage into your daily routine?

Visual Representation

Use a deck of cards like the "Design Your Life" set or any other set with meaningful images representing various emotions and states of being. Spread the cards in front of your client, ensuring they can see all the images.


Select the Symbol

Ask your client to choose a card that resonates with their desired behavior and the feelings associated with it. Explain that the selected card will serve as a visual representation of their goal throughout the coaching process.

Phase 2: Anchoring the Vision

Once the foundation is set, you and your client will move on to anchoring the vision. This phase involves guiding your client through visualization exercises, empowering them to see themselves embodying the desired behavior and experiencing the positive impact it will have on their lives.

Once your client selects a card, prompt them to describe the image and its elements. Ask them what they see in the picture and what it represents to them in the context of their desired behavior.

Example: If they choose a picture of a serene beach, they might associate it with relaxation, tranquility, and a sense of escape from daily stressors. 

Sample questions:

  1. What does the serene beach image represent to you in the context of your desired behavior?
  2. How do you connect the picture of the beach with feelings of relaxation, tranquility, and escape from daily stressors in your life?
  3. What aspects of the beach scene do you find most meaningful and how do they relate to the positive changes you want to make?

Identify the key qualities related to the desired state

Encourage your client to reflect on the qualities or attributes they see in the chosen image that directly relate to their desired state.

Example: If the selected card depicts people laughing and enjoying each other's company, your client may identify qualities like happiness, social connection, and positivity as relevant to their goal.

Sample questions:

  1. What qualities do you see in the image align with your desired state of spending more time outdoors and limiting social media use? For example, do you notice elements representing happiness, social connection, or positivity?
  2. How does the depiction of people laughing and enjoying each other's company in the chosen card relate to the positive outcomes you expect from embracing more outdoor activities and reducing your communication on social media?
  3. In what ways do you perceive the image reflects the qualities you seek in your life when you prioritize spending time outdoors, such as fostering happiness, enhancing social connections, and cultivating a positive mindset?

Recognize the appeal of the goal

Ask your client what specific elements of the image make their goal appealing. It helps them connect emotionally with their desired behavior and reinforces their motivation to change.

Example: If the chosen card portrays someone meditating in a serene beach setting, the client might find the sense of inner peace and connection with nature appealing.

Sample questions:

  1. What aspects of the image do you find most appealing, and how do they resonate with your goal of spending more time outdoors and reducing social media usage?
  2. Can you pinpoint the elements in the card that attract you to the idea of laughing and enjoying meaningful connections with others, which aligns with your desire to enhance your well-being through outdoor activities and less digital distraction?
  3. How does the visual representation in the card evoke a sense of appeal for your desired behavior change, and how do you think experiencing these appealing elements in real life will impact your overall quality of life?

Phase 3: Integrating into Reality

In this final phase, you and your client will focus on bringing the vision into reality. Your client will identify practical ways to anchor the visual representation in their daily lives, making it a tangible reminder of their goals.

Visualization Exercise

Prompt your client to envision how their life will differ once they successfully integrate the desired behavior into their routine. Encourage them to explore the positive impacts on their well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life.

This mental rehearsal helps strengthen their commitment to the change, making it more likely to be adopted.

Example: If a client aims to spend more time outdoors, encourage them to visualize themselves confidently meeting new people and have a stronger sense of community where they can be themselves and feel they belong.

Sample questions:

  1. How do you see yourself confidently engaging with new people and fostering a stronger sense of community while spending more time outdoors?
  2. Envision the scenario where you fully embrace outdoor activities, meet new people, and experience a more profound sense of belonging in a community setting. What does that look and feel like to you?
  3. Picture yourself in moments of genuine connection with others during your outdoor experiences. How does this visualization motivate you to pursue your goal and create a more fulfilling sense of belonging?

Build the Anchor

Work with your client to identify how the selected card can serve as a powerful reminder or anchor for their goal. Discuss practical ways they can incorporate the image into their daily life.

For instance, they can use the card as a physical reminder by placing it on their fridge, desk, or bathroom mirror, where they will see it regularly.

You may also suggest that your client utilize digital reminders, such as a digitized version of the card as a screensaver on their phone or computer. This way, they will encounter the visual reminder daily, reinforcing their commitment to the behavior change.

Amplify Insights and Reinforce Understanding

Take notes and repeat key statements—if appropriate, jot down the client's statements throughout the coaching session. Then, repeat those statements to the client to ensure mutual understanding and emphasize the importance of their insights.

Sample statements that you can tell your client:

  1. “You mentioned that spending more time outdoors would bring a sense of calmness and joy to your daily life.”
  2. “You envision fostering happiness and positive connections with others by embracing outdoor activities and limiting social media usage.”
  3. “You see yourself confidently meeting new people and developing a stronger sense of belonging within a community through your outdoor experiences.”

Hand over the card to your client

When working online, provide the selected card to your client as a physical postcard or a PNG export. Encourage them to keep the card in a place where they will see it frequently, as this visual representation will continue to motivate and inspire them on their behavior change journey. The visual cues can help your clients stay focused and committed to their goals throughout the coaching process.

In conclusion, anchoring new habits is a transformative technique that empowers your coaching work to facilitate lasting behavior change in your clients. 

To deepen your knowledge and hone your skills in anchoring new habits, explore our products below to help you and your clients unlock their potential for positive change, one habit at a time.