“When we hear the other person’s feelings and needs, we recognize our common humanity.”
—Marshall B. Rosenberg, Author of Nonviolent Communication
The Needs List PDF can help you identify and name your needs. This tool helps in recognizing your needs behind your emotions and how to effectively communicate them.
For: coaching, training, therapy, workshop
—Marshall B. Rosenberg, Author of Nonviolent Communication
Nonviolent Communication centers on the idea that all emotions and actions stem from attempts to satisfy certain needs.
When you take the time to observe closely, you can notice that pleasant emotions like “happiness” and “gratitude” may arise when your needs are being met. On the other hand, unmet needs may lead to feeling unpleasant emotions like “frustration” and “loneliness”.
You can practice communicating the NVC way by keeping in mind the 4-step NVC process. Understanding the basics of each component can help you communicate your needs better and, soon, find ways to meet them.
The thought of vulnerability and being honest about your needs can be daunting, especially when you are not encouraged or used to communicating them. But how can you communicate your needs better?
Below is a simple flow of the 4-step NVC process, what it stands for, and how to apply it in daily interactions.
Now that you are learning more about NVC, let us dive deeper.
There might be instances in your life when you immediately react to situations without understanding the reason behind their existence. Identifying your needs through the Needs List can be a starter in helping you pinpoint what you truly need—whether it is connection, understanding, or support.
Below, you can find the list of needs categorized respectively. These needs are organized by their relevance and similarities. They are by no means complete and you can name more needs that are not in the list.
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